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installation - uwe knietsch

installation - uwe knietsch
installation - uwe knietsch
FAQ rheberrecht

Urheberrecht is particularly in the international context, a much debated and not easily explainable combination of nationally grown rules of interaction and successive tuning. Especially economic interests are often held for unclear and sometimes conflicting legal opinions, which are often settled only in court disputes.

The following questions and answers are not legally binding or even comprehensive information is supplied.

Gender - For ease of intelligibility, in this text are all gender terms, such as Creator and Author, uses in its explicit functional significance for males and females, as they are also found in many legal formulations.

In this text, the licensor corresponds to the Cybertrix Verlag UG (limited liability) and the licensee to comply with, as the author, or possible other partner.

What is Urheberrecht?
Urheberrecht refers to the exclusive right of the creator to his work. He can use his work, use it commercial or give others permission to do so. The creator can prevent his work is changed or distorted and has the right to be named, if the work will be used by others.
Urheberrecht refers to the subjective and absolute right to the protection of intellectual property in ideal and material aspects. It is a time-limited monopoly right in favor of the creator of a work.

Who can be an author?
Under German law, for example, only natural persons may be Urheberrecht.

Can multiple people at the same time be the author of the same work?
Where several persons are involved in the creation of a work, they are all Urheber and which only allows about their work.

For which things the Urheberrecht applies?
Intellectual creations, which were created by a human in a personal, creative process.

International, for works of art! In Germany, for example, for works of literature, science and art! These can be:

· Literary works like books, lectures, speeches, ...
· Products of the fine arts including architecture and applied art, including sculptures, paintings, drawings, concept art, ...
· Choreographies
· Photographs
· Cinematics
· Music
· Software
· Illustrations of a scientific or technical nature, such as drawings, plans, maps, sketches, tables and plastic also representations

Protected is not only the complete work, but also parts.
In Germany for example, there also rules on related rights for photographs, sound recordings, films, databases, etc. .

In which country is Urheberrecht applies?
Each country has its own rules on Urheberrecht! And there are international rules !

What rights has a Urheber?
This varies in different countries, but should include the following points.
The author determines whether and in which form, published his work.
He also has the right to be named as author of the work, and to prohibit misrepresentations of his work.
The originator decides on the exploitation of his work such as exhibition, performance, reproduction, distribution, reproduction, etc..
The author decides to transfer the rights of use to third parties.
The author also enjoys protection and defense rights against third parties who violate the copyrights.

How long is the Urheberrecht valid?
This is different! Usually at least 50 years until the death of the creator! In some countries, longer time limits may apply! For example, in Germany 70 years and in Mexico 100 years until the death of the creator!
In Germany for example, there also rules on related rights for photographs, sound recordings, films, databases, etc., lower limits may include.

Is Urheberrecht valid only with a note, print, sign or clue on the work?
No! The Urheberrecht arises with the creation! The work must not get marked to be registered somewhere.
Where is expressly stated herein to any other older national and particularly the history of other regulations.

Is the copyright hereditary?
In most countries, yes!

Can I transfer the copyright to another person?
In Germany, for example, just by inheriting! But you can give others permission to use or exploit the work!

What are Utilization or exploitation rights?
Utilization and exploitation rights allow easy or exploitation use of a work.

Who may use these rights?
In principle, anyone who has the right to do so! This can be individuals, companies or provided by law bodies or institutions. There are societies of different departments in different nations!

Example Germany:         
GEMA                   Gesellschaft für musikalische Aufführungs- und mechanische Vervielfältigungsrechte
                                     GVL                     Gesellschaft zur Verwertung von Leistungsschutzrechten
                                     VG Wort               nimmt die Rechte der Autoren von Sprachwerken aller Art und Verlagen wahr
                                     VG Bild-Kunst        nimmt die Erst- und Zweitverwertungsrechte für visuelle Werke wahr
Example France:              ADAMI                  Administration des Droits des Artistes et Musiciens Interprètes
                                     ADAGP                  Société des Auteurs Dans les Arts Graphiques et Plastiques
                                     SACEM                  Société des Auteurs, Compositeurs et Éditeurs de Musique
       SUISA                    für die Rechte der Urheber musikalischer Werke

 What  is the originally meaning of Urheberrecht ?
The U in the circle is the symbol for "Urheberrecht" or the term "Urheberrecht protected ".

Are there symbols identifying copyrighted works?
So far, there is no uniform labeling of Urheberrecht protected works!

Urheberrecht        The U in the circle currently is a registered trademark that can be used worldwide as a free symbol for Urheberrecht or Urheberrecht protected works of the future.

©       The Copyright ( c in a circle) of the American legal system, in contrast to continental European copyright law, decision-making authority and exploitation rights over a work not often granted to the originator but the economic rights recyclers. The author retains only limited veto rights, which should prevent the copyright by the rightholder abuse.

®       The R (in a circle) may be used only with registered trademarks. For this, a brand must be logged in / registered.

TM       The often superscript TM denotes a not yet registered trademark.

    The P (in a circle) is used to identify the rights of audio recordings.

Is the Urheberrechtsymbol, the sign of authority?
No! It is a registered trademark in Europe at the OHIM

Englische Bezeichnung                Office for Harmonization in the Internal Market
Französische Bezeichnung           Office de l'harmonisation dans le marché intérieur
Spanische Bezeichnung               Oficina de Armonizacion del Mercado Interior
Deutsche Bezeichnung                Harmonisierungsamt für den Binnenmarkt

Why was the German word Urheberrecht used for this character?
Because the word Urheberrecht as a single word, describes the most extensive author rights!

What for can the Urheberrechtsymbol be used?
To mark his own works, whose author you are! So if one has the right to a work on the protection of its own intellectual property in ideal and material aspects.
Or for Urheberrecht protected works if you use or marketed them as exploiters.

Who may use the Urheberrechtsymbol copyright?
Each author of a work may own, use the symbol to identify his works, if he has registered with Licensor!
Or, if you are authorized by the Urheberrecht owner of a work to it.

Who is the licensor?
The license to use the urheberrecht is granted by the Cybertrix Verlag!

What advantages does the use of Urheberrecht ?
Creation of an International Urheberrecht  Directory (directory of intellectual authorship) / toll-free registration.
Your work is to be assigned unambiguously identified and its author too.
Also, if your name, company name, address, agent or 
utilization route changes .
A query about the "whois" button leads interested and author or copyright holder immediately together.
Whether and how a work is available or usable, everyone Identifies
it immediately by the final digit.

Do I need as license to install the Urheberrechton any work?
No! The attachment of the sign is to facilitate the use of Urheberrecht protected works, but is not mandatory.

Where should the Urheberrechtbe attached to my work?
Since there are no binding requirements! It may be visible on the work! However, it can also be integrated as a watermark to a photo or simply be added as a text beside.
Of course it is for easier assignment, helpful for potential users, or to the economic recovery if the Urheberrecht is directly connected with the work, or it is directly apparent relation.

Do I need to specify the license number next to the Urheberrecht?
It is recommended
to assign the work accurately and to make its use possible for third parties recognizable.

Urheberrecht01012014XXDE0000001        Urheberrecht protected / use allowedby third parties
Urheberrecht 01012014XXDE0000001X      Urheberrecht protected / no use allowed by third parties
Urheberrecht 01012014XXDE0000001P      Urheberrecht protected / free private non commercial use
 01012014XXDE0000001F      Urheberrecht protected / free private and commercial use

What is the license number is composed exactly?

01012014                            01                           DE           0000001                                               X/P/F
Date of production                run number              nation      consecutive registration number              released
Day / month / year               1. work of the day

In which country can I use the Urheberrecht symbol?

1) In all countries of the European Union ...

Name in national Language
01. Belgien België/Belgique/Belgien BE
02. Bulgarien България BG
03. Dänemark Danmark DK
04. Deutschland Deutschland DE
05. Estland Eesti EE
06. Finnland Suomi/Finland FI
07. Frankreich France FR
08. Griechenland Ελλάδα, Ελλάς GR
09. Irland Éire/Ireland IE
10. Italien Italia IT
11. Kroatien Hrvatska HR
12. Lettland Latvija LV
13. Litauen Lietuva LT
14. Luxemburg Lëtzebuerg/Luxembourg LU
15. Malta Malta MT
16. Niederlande Nederland NL
17. Österreich Österreich AT
18. Polen Polska PL
19. Portugal Portugal PT
20. Rumänien România RO
21. Schweden Sverige SE
22. Slowakei Slovensko SK
23. Slowenien Slovenija SI
24. Spanien España ES
25. Tschechien Česko CZ
26. Ungarn Magyarország HU
27. Vereinigtes Königreich United Kingdom GB
28. Zypern Κύπρος/Kıbrıs CY

2) ... as in all countries where no other rights and laws are violated.

In these countries, other symbols may come to be used, on its introduction, the parties will be informed by the licensor. In these countries, the work can also be provided with an indication u.cybertrix.com in connection with the license number.

Does it cost anything to use the Urheberrechtsymbol?
No! If you want to characterize his work and only his contact information stored for potential buyers, users and recyclers can contact the author, can use the symbol after the registration with a license unlimited and free of charge!
Yes ! If you want to use or sell your works economically, but do not want to publish your contact details unchecked,
with a Service you can let send you contact informations to an interested party or can send the contact informations of the interested parties submit directly to you. The licensee may, however, then specify as the destination address of the requests also an agency collecting society or other rights holders, with which there is a contractual relationship.

Where do I find a pattern of the Symbol?

regular urheberrecht                transparent urheberrecht

                                save and then open copy and paste

Will the marked works be registered or entered in a list ?
Yes, it is the aim to facilitate the contact between authors and prvat and commercial users and internationally to create a documentation database of the works.

Does the entry in the Urheberrecht Author Database or the Work-Database already represents a Urheberrecht proof?
No! In order to secure his rights, every author should select the creation of a work, the nature and date of publication, and the corresponding documentation, wisely and carefully plan where appropriate.

Represents the notarization of a work at a certain time, a Urheberrecht proof?
No, although some companies are looking to give that impression!

Are there ways to prove authorship?
Yes, conditionally! This is not only dependent on the nature of the work, but also on the nature and the date of publication and documentation. There are also discrete and individual above all solutions!

installation - uwe knietsch










Protection of intellectual authorship of art, science, literature and other works
® registered trade mark - use only according to the licensing terms of the copyright holder